Nathan D. Nevius is a nationally certified, licensed massage therapist, practicing in the state of Maryland for more than 15 years . He holds a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology from University of Maryland (UMD) and is a professional member of the American Massage Therapy Association and the Fascia Research Society. Nathan resides in Baltimore with his wife Kim and their two cats Amadeus and Chesapeake.
Nathan began practicing massage therapy at the age of twenty. Through his highly focused sense of touch, he was able to sense the interplay of muscle and other tissues, and soon developed intuitive understandings of tension, pain and adaptive functions of the human form. These collective intuitions made him profoundly curious about how their dynamics were related, leading him to pursue higher education.
Graduating from the University of Maryland three years later with a degree in Kinesiology, Nathan merged his intuitive approach with a deep appreciation for scientific understanding and applied critical thinking. Following his fascination with biomechanics and structural physiology, he delved into the research of fascia. These fibrous collagen tissues define much of our physical structure, and transfer dynamic forces, tension, and elasticity throughout the body, playing a complex role in how and why we move.
Along with the physical influence of fascia, our habits of movement are also affected by social expectations and psychological beliefs about how we should move, and Nathan spent a year overseas observing how such factors influence our movement behaviors. He found that his observations aligned with the BioPsychoSocial (BPS) model , which posits that to understand a patient’s condition, you must observe this individual as a whole person—one whose biological, psychological and sociological factors affect their health, and can profoundly influence their perception of pain.
In 2015, Nathan established two practices within the Johns Hopkins Institution offering multifaceted manual therapies. The first at the university’s Homewood campus Health and Wellness Center, and the second within the hospital, at the Integrative Medicine and Digestive Center. There he applied therapeutic theory directly in helping students, faculty, athletes, patients and clinicians manage chronic pain and physical dysfunction, while advancing his understanding of complex pain management.
Every human body is an intricately entwined trellis of systems, behaviors and expectations. How individuals respond to pain—and how their ideas and habits of movement can essentially cause them pain—have been driving influences throughout Nathan’s career.
Inspired to deliver a therapeutic approach customized to a patient’s unique needs, Nathan launched Nevius Therapeutics, an independent clinic that is open and accessible to everyone. Here Nathan offers his expertise to help any patient with complex and intense pain to manage their condition by focusing on detailed communication and the subtle cues of tactile feedback to understanding the dynamics of each person as a whole.